Want an easy and effective way to teach your kids the basics of the gospel?

Affirmation: God Loves Me As I AM

God sees all your mistakes and He loves you anyways. You are His child. Take some time to think of the ways that He shows His love to you.

In these videos, I dive into why this affirmation is important. In addition I give thoughts and ideas for applying it into your life. 

God Loves Me As I Am

Is a parent’s love conditional upon what the child does? No! The same is true for you and God. Your Heavenly Father loves you as you are.

Take Time To Notice

Evidences of His love are all around us. Train yourself to recognize it.

Affirmation: God Loves Me As I Am

Because of His perfect love he blesses us according to our desires and needs and also according to His wisdom.

Work Of Art In Progress

“Even 1 million scars doesn’t change who you are.” – From the song “Beautifully Broken” by Plumb Those scars are part of what makes us a work of art. God understands that better than any of us.

Embrace Your Part

God delights in your own voice. Embrace your part in this beautiful chorus of life.

In Conclusion

You are loved just the way you are. Your past experiences have led you to where you are now and it is up to you where you go from here. Trust in the Lord to guide you as you embrace your past mistakes and move forward in love. 

Every Mon-Fri on IGTV I post an affirmation video. Feel free to follow along on Instagram here. http://instagram.com/dreaminspirers

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