Want an easy and effective way to teach your kids the basics of the gospel?


Oct 10, 2019

Photo by Taylor Leopold on Unsplash

Recently I was having a discussion with my husband about affirmations. He printed off my 52 affirmations for a stronger connection with Self, God, Family and each other and was re-repeating one of them. We discussed it together through out the day, but he was still struggling with it.

Here’s the thing with affirmations, your brain rejects them if you don’t think that you could ever believe that thought. That’s why desiring to believe is so important and especially important is nourishing that belief.

It will be a struggle to believe in some of these positive thoughts. Sometimes you need to start with a preparatory thought, one that is easier to believe for you but that still moves you towards the affirmation that you wish that you could believe.


But, in the case of my husband, it wasn’t just that particular affirmation that he was working on, it was affirmations in general. And in discussing this at the end of the day and how his affirmation went that day, we came to a realization: he felt like he was lying to himself.

My response to him was this, “You are not lying to yourself; you are committing.” Wow what a shift! I could see his whole countenance change as he embraced that thought. Commitment was something he could do. It was something that I love about him, when he commits to something, he sticks to it, sometimes to a fault. 😊

But, this concept of thinking of affirmations as lies, was interesting to me. And I wanted to share it with you too, because maybe you too struggle with this.

You are not lying to yourself; you are committing yourself to the thought.

Anytime you commit yourself to something, does that mean it is already done, like you just magically accomplished what ever it was that you had done?

No, of course not. A commitment requires effort, a commitment can at times be really difficult to stick to and achieve, yet you can still achieve it because you committed to it.

The same goes for affirmations. You are committing yourself to believing tin that thought. You are committing yourself to trying to becoming that person who believe in that statement of belief. You are committing yourself to give it your best effort. And yes, it will take work, it will take effort, it will be difficult at times. But you know what? You are committed. And commitment is a process.

Maybe you won’t ever have a firm belief in the thought but your life will be blessed as you continually strive for it. You will start to believe it at times, and that may be all you need. To believe it in those times that you need it most. It’s the commitment to the affirmation that helps us to see those small, beautiful changes in our life as we consistently try for it. It’s not about perfection in our belief, it’s about our commitment.

So, keep trying. Keep committing yourself. Keep desiring to believe.

And you will see your life change.

Photo by Kevin Mueller on Unsplash
I Am Affirmation Tee Available for all ages.