Want an easy and effective way to teach your kids the basics of the gospel?

Christ Centered

Joy Inspirers

12 Week Workshop

When life is hard, overwhelming or mundane, there is still JOY! Find out how.

In Joy Inspirers you’ll discover how to find joy, even when it is difficult. You’ll create habits that will support a JOYFUL Whole Soul foundation on Christ in your life.

Do you feel like you keep trying to live the Gospel but are still failing?

Is life so hard that you’re struggling to feel joy in your life?

Do you wonder if you are doing enough for those whom you love?

Is life so busy and overwhelming that feeling joy is difficult?

The program is right for you if:

You want more joy in your life
You are ready to make changes and live a life you love
You want a group program that represents your faith in Christ
You are tired of feeling overwhelmed and too busy for what matters most

What it includes

The program includes 12 live group zoom calls led by a certified life coach. Each call will have a lesson with group discussion on how to apply that lesson to your life. They are live so you can get real time help.

An exclusive Facebook group where you can connect with other joy inspirers within the program, ask questions throughout each week and learn from and support each other. 

Worksheets and trackers to help you create lasting habits that will set a whole soul foundation within your home. This is where you’ll think through what you’re learning, plan and then take action.

Email support between zoom calls as well as group and coach accountability to inspire you to take action. 

What will I learn?

Some of the topics that will be covered are creating more joy in your life, reducing overwhelm, spiritual creation, finding time to teach about Christ, creating realistic habits that last, seeing God’s love for you, developing Christ-like love within your family, generating energy, and understanding self care. 


Go to bed with the peace of mind that you’ve focused on what matters most and wake up with the confidence that you are creating the home and relationships you desire. Through the experience you’ll create lasting connections and find a deeper understanding of how Christ shows up in your life. What’s more, is the overall increase of the spirit in your home.   

When it starts

The program starts on June 21st, at 8pm PST. 

Joy Inspirers Group Program

Enrollment ends June 2oth
$ 25
  • 12 Live Zoom calls with lessons and training that will inspire more joy
  • Exclusive Facebook group so you can connect with and be supported by other women who are creating joy in their lives.
  • Direct email support with Karen so you can get answers to any questions you may have.
  • Worksheets to assist you in applying the things that you learn in the program. These worksheets will get you thinking on a deeper level, guiding you in having greater insights into how to create joy
  • 10% of proceeds donated to OURrescue.org to help in the fight against human trafficking
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My Story

I know what it’s like to wonder if you are doing enough for yourself, for your kids, for your spouse, and for God. There is so much that is asked of us. We do what we can but still constantly see all that there is still to do. We wonder if we are really teaching our kids what they need to know to thrive in life and in eternity and we feel that we aren’t measuring up because we aren’t thriving and feeling the joy that Christ brings.

In seeing the state of the world today, I found myself wondering if I am really doing enough to combat all the negativity that is out there. Have I given my kids a solid enough foundation in the teachings of the Savior? Have I set up my home to be a place where my kids could learn for themselves the truthfulness of the Gospel? What’s more, I wondered, can they see the joy that Christ brings me? Am I showing them that I am brave enough to put the Lord first in my life?

I remember feeling the pressure mounting, the anxiety, the lack of clarity on what I needed to do, and the exhaustion of all my responsibilities bearing down on me. Satan was using tools of anxiety, perfection, and overwhelm. I began to feel I couldn’t do what I needed to, I didn’t have time, I wasn’t worthy of the callings that the Lord had given me, and I wasn’t doing enough for my kids.

Then, I was reminded of who I was, a daughter of God. I embraced that the Lord could help me. I started to get clear on what I wanted and what needed to be done to get there. My confidence in myself grew, I stopped beating myself up and began to let go of perfectionism. I began to make changes in my life which helped me to have more energy. I created habits and patterns that helped me to have more essential conversations in the home and that strengthened my relationship with my family. Clarity helped me to focus on the things that mattered and reduced my overwhelm. And I felt closer to God throughout the process.

Is my life perfect? Of course not, but wow is it beautiful!

I now want to teach you the things that I’ve learned that have helped me go from feeling like a failure, to believing in myself, from exhausted to energized, from overwhelmed to joyful and from anxious to full of faith. I’ve been able to create a home where my kids love to read their scriptures, where they are interested in asking and answering gospel-related questions, and I’ve been able to find time to focus on the people who matter most to me.

Joy Inspirers is a 12 week group program where you will gain clarity on the life you want, create habits that will bring you more energy, and establish a home that is centered on the Savior and his teachings. Joy Inspirers is about creating a Whole Soul Foundation where we work on mind, body, spirit, and relational goals in order to establish a foundation in Christ that brings more joy and peace into our lives and consequently our homes.

Joy Inspirers Program

Enrollment ends June 2oth
$ 25
  • 12 Live Zoom calls with lessons and training that will inspire more joy
  • Exclusive Facebook group so you can connect with and be supported by other women who are creating joy in their lives.
  • Direct email support with Karen so you can get answers to any questions you may have.
  • Worksheets to assist you in applying the things that you learn in the program. These worksheets will get you thinking on a deeper level, guiding you in having greater insights into how to create joy
  • 10% of proceeds donated to OURrescue.org to help in the fight against human trafficking​
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Karen Papin has been studying psychology and personal development since she was 15 years old. She has a Bachelor’s in psychology from BYU-Idaho. She is also a certified life coach and Master NLP practitioner from the INLP Center and because she’s obsessed with learning continued on to become a Certified Creation Coach. She LOVES guiding mom’s in strengthening their relationships with self, God and their kids.