My mom gave a beautiful gift to her kids this Christmas, copies of her journal from her early years as a mom. It has been amazing to read through her thoughts and experiences at that time in her life. To read what she struggled with, to read what she was learning and to see how she applied it to her life. To see how those experiences shaped her into the person who I now know her to be. And to read of her example of loving service towards others. She is such an amazing example of putting aside personal desires to reach out to others, to listen to those in need, to help them in their individual circumstances, even with 2-3 little ones in tow. She still reached out.
I’ve been thinking about what word I want to use as my focus for this new year. I thought about using the phrase, “Go Deep,” since it is a reminder to me when feelings of insecurity arise and I start to feel vulnerable, to go deep, to be vulnerable, to open up and connect with others. But, writing this out now, I feel that my word for the year should be, “Reach.” Reach up to the Lord for guidance and strength. Reach out to others, be an example, seek to help them, put aside personal anxieties and desires to help others to improve themselves and seek to strengthen them in their needs, reaching out to deepen the connection that I have with them.

The word reach encompasses all that I am seeking to do in my life. It reminds me to reach up, to put my trust in the Lord and in His plan for me. He sees my potential even better than I do. He knows what I am capable of and He is revealing that to me with each step that I take. He will help me to accomplish it and for that I put my trust in Him.
Reach out, deepening my relationships. I want to follow my mom’s example and to reach out to help others in any way I can. To set aside my personal anxieties to deepen my connection with others and to feel that love for them that comes as we seek to know them better.
For a time I struggled with reaching out. When experiencing infertility and miscarriage, I did not allow myself to reach out to others and connect with them. I didn’t want to grow, I didn’t want to be vulnerable. But, there is strength, hope, and healing that comes as we reach out. As we share our story, opening ourselves up to be vulnerable, for through vulnerability comes connection and strength.
So, this year, I am intentionally showing that strength and courage to be vulnerable. I will remind myself to reach out and to go deep. And I will seek to connect with others on a much deeper level as I reach out to them.

Doing this though takes great courage. So, once again I am reminded to reach up. I know that this is the path that the Lord wants me to take, so I will. And I know that He will strengthen me through out it all.
Let us “be not afraid, only believe (Mark 5:36),” moving forward with faith in the Lord and reaching out to others, knowing that we can strengthen each other and at the same time, feeling the love that the Lord has for each one of his children. Let us be instruments in the hands of God in helping each other to rise.
Let us reach up and out. And together rise.