Want an easy and effective way to teach your kids the basics of the gospel?

I know that I am not perfect (far from it) and that there are many things that I need to work on, but I have my strengths and quirks that make me, me. And I embrace those strengths and quirks. My hope is that others embrace their strengths and quirks too because there is always some way we can connect with each other, some way that we can learn from each other, and there is beauty within each one of us. I love learning from others, so please share who you are too. 

Here is a bit about me:

I am someone who is filled with ideas, hopes, and dreams. Passionate about inspiring others to be their best selves, I seek to help them develop deeper connections. This website is one way, one step in that process of instilling in others a deeper desire to live life more fully. Taking this step and sharing my thoughts on this website is a big step for me. I enjoy writing but it terrifies me to share my writing with others. While I may comfortable with who I am, sharing who I am with others is more difficult for me. I am someone who is very reserved and at times guarded.

A Mom

I am a mom and I embrace that title completely. I love it! At first it was a struggle to get them here, and I love them more than I could have ever imagined. I love seeing them learn and grow and yet I still feel like time is moving way too fast. I blink and they are another month or even year older. Every day I look at my girls and think, when did you get so big? Where has that time gone? I have mixed feelings about each step of growth they take. I love seeing the things that they learn and the accomplishments that they make. But, they sure do grow so so fast and I make sure to intentionally take time to appreciate who they are each day and cherish the little moments as they will not be little for long.

A Wife

I love being a wife. Marriage is wonderful, yet difficult and refining, but having my husband as a constant companion, and the one who really gets me, is beautiful. He inspires me to be the best version of myself and loves me even when I am not. Yes, there are times that we struggle with our relationship, but through those struggles we are learning to communicate, we are learning to understand, we are learning to love each other even when it can be hard.

An Introvert

I am an introvert and also someone who is highly sensitive, something that I am only just beginning to completely grasp. I am thankful for parents who fostered in me a love of who I am and didn’t see my introversion as a negative thing. I am now experiencing some of the things that they experienced in raising me as I am now raising at least one daughter who is a highly sensitive introvert.

I’ve struggled with anxiety all my life. Yet, I have not let that define me. I have my moments where I do let it get to me and I can be socially awkward at times. Yet, I have still someone who steps out of my comfort zone, who embraces change, and who seeks to connect with others. I am not letting that anxiety hold me back. I recognize it’s there but I still move forward. And I share this with you because I want you to know that even those things that you think are holding you back, are not really what’s holding you back. You can still move forward. You can still thrive.

Who I Am

A Believer

More specifically I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so important to me and I do share my beliefs often through out my writing. Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. His love strengthens me, guides me, and it is because of Him that I feel compelled to write. I have been so blessed in my life and I am so thankful for the knowledge that He is continually teaching me.

A Dream Inspirer

I believe in others. I believe that they have the potential to become all that they want to become. I seek to inspire others to see that potential within themselves and to develop the connections that help them to see that potential as well. 

I’d say that’s me in a nutshell, but that’s not really true. These are only a part of who I am. Each of us has so many parts to us. Every person has a story and this is just a part of mine. My hope through this website is that that we can learn from each other, rejoice with each other when we triumph, and comfort each other when we don’t.